The JSudoku Cell contextual popup menu

Clicking with the right mouse button on the focused cell, will open a contextual popup menu. Under Windows, you may also press the Contextual menu key. Under Mac OS X, you may also click while pressing the control key.

Solve Naked Single

If the cell is unsolved and with only one possibility left, choosing this item will set its value. When some possibility is highlighted, it will set the cell to the highlighted value. When the cell is given or solved, it highlights all cells with the possibility. It's usually more conveniant to press the Enter or Insert key. You may also double click the cell.

Set Value

Choose an item in the sub-menu to manually set the value of the focused cell. The keyboard shortcuts are usually more convenient.

Toggle Possibility

Choose an item in the sub-menu to manually toggle a possibilty of the focused cell. If the cell included the possibility, it will be removed. If it did not include the possibility, it will be added back.

Set Min Value

Changes the minimum value of the focused cell. If the minimum is increased, the possibilities less than the new minimum are removed. If it is decreased, possibilities are added back to the cell.

Set Max Value

Changes the maximum value of the focused cell. If the maximum is decreased, the possibilities greater than the new maximum are removed. If it is increased, possibilities are added back to the cell.

Show / Update Combinations

Prints in the log all possible combinations of the selected cage or constraint. It lists the combinations then if appropriate, the mandatory values, prohibited values, mandatory pairs (must have at least one of) and prohibited pairs (cannot have both). Split cages will also be listed.

If some of the cells are selected, will also list the combinations for the selected cells only. Useful to findout interactions between cages partially related.

Pressing the alt key while choosing a cage will restrict the cells to valid possibilities. The menu item then changes to Update Combinations. Useful for semi automated solving.
Note: Under Windows you may also press the ctrl key, since the alt key seems to close the popup menu.

Show / Update Combinations > Selected Cells

Prints in the log all possible sums and combinations of the selected cells. When the sum is unique, it's also stored in the Design: New Cage dialog.

This tool may be helpful in two situations:

While solving, it may help detecting interactions of cells with a sum range (min-max)
It may also be used to manually split a cage which contains a naked subset.

To design a killer sudoku from a regular sudoku that is solved. Using the mouse, select the solved cells forming a cage, then choose Show Sums of Selected Cells (or press '=') which should report a unique sum, then choose Design: New Cage.

Pressing the alt key while choosing this item restricts the cells to valid possibilities. This is not limited to sum cages, but may also be used for other constraints like (non) consecutive, renban... If the selected cells span over several constraints, it will take all of them into consideration. For instance it may be used to solve chains of consecutive cells.
Note: Under Windows you may also press the ctrl key, since the alt key seems to close the popup menu.

Select / Remove

Selects all the cells of the chosen cage, house or constraint. Inferences made by solvers are also listed.

Pressing the shift key while choosing an item will extend the selection.

Pressing the alt key while choosing an item will delete the cage, house or constraint. The menu item then changes to Remove. Useful if you made a mistake while designing a grid.
Note: Under Windows you may also press the ctrl key, since the alt key seems to close the popup menu.

Select Buddies alias Peers

Highlights all buddies / peers of the focused cell. Buddies are all the cells which can't have the same value as the focused cell since they are 'under control' of it, the focused cell can 'see the buddies'. This includes all cells in the same block plus all cells in the same row, column, cage(s), diagonal(s)...

Remove Possibility on Selection

Removes the possibility from all selected cells. If a solver highlighted cells with a red background, the possibility is removed only from these cells. Cells without the possibility are unaffected.

Set Min / Max Value on Selection

Like Set Min / Max Value, but for all selected cells.

Select Common Buddies

Highlights all buddies / peers in common to all the selected cells. These are the cells which are buddies of all the selected cells. Useful for semi automated solve. For instance, if some candidate is locked in some cells or you see a naked subset, you may select these cells, highlight their common buddies, then remove the possibility(ies).

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Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Christophe Godart. All rights reserved.