The JSudoku Edit Menu

Undo / Redo

Most actions over the grid may be undone/redone. This includes every action over the cells, designing cages, inferences made by solvers... The JRE limits the Undo/Redo stack to 100 actions by default. You may change this limit in the Preferences. Useful for trial and error.
Warning: Editing the Log cannot be undone/redone. Only the modifications to the grid are. Pasting a new grid, Drag-and-Drop cannot be undone/redone and clears the undo stack.


This is for the Log only. Select text in the log area, then choose Cut to remove the text from the log and transfer it to the Clipboard. Do not move the mouse over the grid, otherwise the log pane will loose focus, and the action will be forwarded to the focused cell which ignores it.


When the grid is focused as indicated by a red frame, copies the definition text of the grid into the Clipboard. The format is the same as for Save As Text. Press the alt key to get the text with the ascii art lines between the rectangular blocks using '|', '-' and '+'.
When the log pane is focused as indicated by a highlighted text selection, copies the selected text in the log into the Clipboard.

Note: You may also Drag-and-Drop the grid. Move the mouse over the background area around the grid (not too far away and not inside a cell). Then press the left mouse button, keep it pressed while moving the mouse out of the window to the target item; finally release the mouse button to copy the grid. The transfered data contains both the JSudoku binary data, the text definition and the image. So you may transfer it to another window in JSudoku, a text editor or a raster image editor.

Copy Solution

When the grid is solved, copies into the Clipboard the solution as text. Press the alt key to get the solution with the ascii art lines between the rectangular blocks.

Copy Candidates

Copies into the Clipboard a text with the candidates and ascii art lines between the rectangular blocks using '|', '-' and '+'. When the grid is solved, will copy the solution as text. Press the alt key to get only the candidates without the ascii art lines.

Copy Image

Copies an image of the grid into the Clipboard. The image is exacly as displayed on screen, including any adornments. It will have the same size as displayed. Useful to publish an image for the web. You may then paste it into an raster image editor and save it from there.


When the grid is focused, it interprets the text in the Clipboard as a grid definition like for Open. Pasting an URL will fetch the definition file from the web.
URLs from currently supported are vanilla Sudoku, Diagonal Sudoku, Even-Odd Sudoku, Disjoint Groups, Jigsaw / Irregular boxes (incl. Even-Odd and Disjoint Groups variants) Latin Square (no boxes) and Greater/Less Than sudoku. Size 2x2 (4) to 5x5 (25). Other grid kinds or sizes are unsupported.

When the log pane is focused, it pastes the content of the Clipboard into the log.

Note: You may also Drag-and-Drop selected text, an URL or a file from another source and drop it over the grid view.

Paste as Killer Template

When the grid is solved, it interprets the text in the Clipboard as a killer definition. It will then create cages with the same layout, but will ignore the sums in the grid definition. It will recompute the sums to match the numbers of the currently solved grid. Reports an error if some cage would include the same number several times.

Paste as Twin Killer

For dual / twin killer. Like paste, but creates the cages in the twin cage layer, without replacing the existing cages in the main layer.

Paste as Extra Groups

For extra groups or jigsaw. Like paste, but interprets the cages of 9 cells as extra groups.

Paste as Jigsaw Template

For jigsaw. Like paste, but will interpret the cages of 9 cells as jigsaw blocks. It will replace any existing square or rectangular blocks/nonets.


When the grid is focused, resets the candidates of all selected cells to all valid candidates.
When the log pane is focused, removes the selected text from the log without altering the Clipboard.

Clear Log

Removes all the text in the log, even if not selected.

Solve / Design Working Mode

There is little difference between the two working modes.

For vanilla Sudoku or other variants with givens, switching to Design mode will change the given cells (yellow background) into solved cells (white background) and vice-versa when switching to Solve mode. Only the given cells (yellow background) are saved or copied in the grid definition.

When in Design mode, you may edit some relations:
For Greater/Less Than, you may type '<', '>', 'V' (letter V) and '^' (circumflex) to enter a grid.
For (non) Consecutive, you may type '|' (vertical bar), '!' or '_' (underscore) to reverse the relation.
For (non) bossanova, you may type 'O' (letter O) to reverse the relation.

Grid Infos...

Brings a dialog which let you edit information associated to the grid.
This information is saved only when using the JSudoku (jsd) and SudoCue (sdk) formats. It will be lost when using other formats.

Reset Grid

Resets the grid to its initial state. All solved cells becomes unsolved. It also removes all split cages and other inferences made by solvers.

Reset Possibilities

Resets all unsolved cells to include all valid possibilities.

File | Edit | Solve | Highlight | Design | Options | Window | Help | Cell contextual popup menu | Solver contextual popup menu


Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Christophe Godart. All rights reserved.