The JSudoku Solvers

Every solver may operate in four different modes : Deducing, Get a Clue, Get a Big Clue or Highlight.
Deducing will actually alter the grid, either by solving some cell or removing possibilities.
JSudoku will not only solve Sudoku, but also teach you which solving technique may be used to progress. If you get (really) stuck, you may ask for a (Big) Clue.
You may also use the Highlight menu to view the technique and cells which may let you progress.

The solvers are listed in the tabbed pane at the right-hand side of the window. Click on the "Solvers" tab to view them. You may turn each solver on or off if you want to use or skip some specific technique. The solvers are used in the order displayed. To change the order, select a solver then drag it over another one. The dragged solver is moved above the dropped one. Some solvers are specific to some variants like Killer Sudoku or (non) consecutive and will be disabled for regular Sudoku.

Each time a cell is set to a value either by a solver or manually, all its buddies will have that value removed from their possibilities. Buddies are all the other cells in the same row, colum, nonet, diagonal(s), cage(s)...

Note: Some solvers will solve or highlight all the cells which may be solved while others will solve or highlight only the first useful pattern found, that is the first pattern that will actually make progress.


Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Christophe Godart. All rights reserved.